
What My Clients Say

sunflower, plants, fields

“It has been both an honor and a pleasure to experience sacred time with Elisa Fay over the past three years. When I met Elisa, I immediately saw the wisdom beyond her years and a strong commitment to becoming her “greater” self in all that she would undertake. As a student of spiritual practice, she has stepped into a depth of understanding and insight that underscores her unique ability to make these practices her own. As she studied with me to become a facilitator in our lineage, her skills as a teacher and an innovator in her own right became increasingly evident. I am excited to watch her continue to grow and create her own community.”

Bonnie S.


“Elisa is a beautiful presence to behold. Both in the way she carries herself physically but also her inner gifts of healing and transformation. She genuinely cares about being of service in our world and wants to leave the planet a better place than she found it. Warmth, intelligence and wisdom flow through her. I am honored to have Elisa as a Priestess sister and to share a deep soul level connection with her. Working with Elisa will powerfully transform the way you look at your life and the world around you.” 

Rebecca Kirson, Transformational Coach

beach, leaf, green

“I love working and playing with Elisa! It’s always like taking a deep breath. Calming, informative, smart, trustful, intuitive. She is more open to growth and change than any human I know.”

Shelby H.
